
How to Prepare a Loved One for Assisted Living

It’s not always the individual in need of extra help that decides to seek it out. Often, those individuals’ families start researching senior living communities to ensure their loved ones have everything they need to live safely and comfortably in their senior years.

When it’s not your loved one making these hard decisions, it becomes all the more important to ensure they’re involved in the process and have some control. Here are a few helpful tips for preparing your loved one for Assisted Living:

Research Communities

One of the first steps toward preparing your loved one for Assisted Living involves researching communities so you can choose the right one for their unique needs.

Firstly, understand what your family member needs to thrive in a senior living community, such as social interactions, help with mobility, and medical care. You can then visit communities that offer the services, amenities, and environment you think would suit. Your family member may wish to come with you.

Communicate Openly

Talking about Assisted Living communities with a family member can sometimes feel awkward and uncomfortable. The discomfort may have you planning and organizing their move secretly, without their involvement.

However, you may stand a better chance of preparing your family member by communicating openly and involving them in decision-making. They may feel less anxious about the move if they feel in control of what’s happening.

Listening to your loved one’s fears and concerns is also essential. Be compassionate and empathetic and potentially enjoy a smoother transition for all involved.

Don’t Rush the Process

Transitioning into a senior living community can be an overwhelming and stressful process for many older adults. They may struggle with the concept of downsizing their possessions and saying goodbye to a home they’ve lived in for many years.

Create a generous timeline to achieve specific tasks, and don’t rush the process. Give your family member time to adjust to what comes next and plan the downsize gradually.

For example, you may take several weeks or even months to sort through their belongings to decide what to keep, donate, or discard. It can also sometimes take a long time to determine what happens to a property once your loved one moves, such as renting it out, keeping it as-is, or selling it.

Provide Emotional Support

You can typically enjoy peace of mind knowing that the best Assisted Living communities provide a great deal of support and comfort for residents and their loved ones as they transition into a new living environment. However, you can also play an important part in how well your loved one settles into their new home.  

Provide emotional support when your family member needs it the most. Maintain a positive attitude about the move, visit them regularly to help them settle in, and encourage them to participate in community activities.

Stay Connected

Your role in your loved one’s transition into a senior living community doesn’t stop once they’ve moved. Stay connected to ensure their well-being as the days and weeks pass. Fortunately, most senior living communities make this easy.

You can talk with staff members to monitor their adjustment. The information they share can be vital for ensuring you address any issues quickly. You can also encourage them to communicate openly with you so you’ll always know how they feel about their new living situation and if you can do anything to improve it.

Schedule a Tour of Bailey Pointe Assisted Living at Miracle Hills

Preparing a loved one for Assisted Living is not an overnight process. It can take time, compassion, and empathy. Are you about to start your journey with a loved one? We welcome you to schedule a tour of Bailey Pointe Assisted Living at Miracle Hills today. Our team can provide all the information you need to make an informed decision about what comes next.

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